Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Odyssey of the Mind

Well, it is that time of year. OotM time. No, I'm not begging for money for Katie's team :D There is no high school team this year. Of course, I couldn't leave well enough alone and skip OM this year. Grace, Ian and Emma are all OMers. Grace and Ian on the same middle school team (God bless their coach) and Emma is on a primary team that I am co-coaching. The primary team is made up entirely of siblings of the middle school team. Another mom, Wendy, and I figured we might was well keep the littles occupied while their sibs were busy being creative. The other moms thought we were nuts but I think it has been fun and I think Wendy and I are a little less crazy around the eyes right now than Carol (middle school coach).
I snapped some pictures today out at the P. homestead. Don't these kids look like they'd rather be in a classroom?

Of course, a couple gratuitous dog pictures. The OM mascots, Schnitzel and Ranger. I'll leave it to you figure out which one is which.


Carol Pavliska said...

In one of the pics, Camille looks like she is "pontificating".

Karen said...

Ok, I know I should be commenting on the kid pictures - but I think Schnitzel might be the cutest dog ever.

MentalMom said...

Schnitzel is an ornery, old thing but everyone loves her.
Ranger was bugging her and they were having a 'disagreement' and Tristan thought it was the funniest thing and was belly laughing watching them snap and growl and chase. Wel, Ranger chased and jumped, Schnitzel did the growling and snapping :)

There are TONS of wiener dogs in S. TX. I guess it is the German influence. A common mix? Dachsund/Chihuahua, which are the CUTEST puppies.