Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday chats.

Update on Peter: Peter is having more surgery today. A recent MRI showed swelling. The surgeons are removing two nickel sized pieces of skull to help relieve the pressure. Sadly, the doctors are predicting a stay of weeks or possibly even MONTHS until this clot in his sagittal sinus resolves.

On a lighter note.
Spring has sprung in TX and the yard work and gardening is in full swing. I'm starting everything from seed this year in an effort to save money. So far, so good, only my rosemary has been a complete bust. I should have started my tomatoes, peppers and all the flowers earlier but live and learn. Yesterday I got the raised beds turned over and raked in the soil conditioner. I put in 16 cucumber plants, squash, cantelope, melon (Chanterais hybrid) and onions. My tomatoes (36 plants) need another couple weeks. Watermelons and more cantelopes will go in as soon as I get the area tilled. The sunflower garden/forest is in and growing. I have multiple varieties of sunflowers including mammoths that can reach 15'. It is just for fun but will look really neat if it works. There is a path in the middle to walk through the 'forest'.
Chris built a great frame/trellis for my cucumbers to climb. Now I just have to pray the bees show up this year and pollinate my cucumbers.
I'll take pics of the whole shabang when everything is in.


Carol Pavliska said...

Oh you're making me feel bad. We just planted tomato seeds and stuff. Got the garden tilled, though! And those sunflowers? Make sure you let some grow just for sprouts! Sunflower sprouts. Awesome.

Karen said...

Meanwhile, in Maine, LOL, the ground's still frozen and there is still 12-18" of snow sitting atop much of the lawn. :-P